Continuous Renewal

“Continuous renewal is an umbrella term for anything you can do to keep in touch with your values and your life purpose. This is a discipline that all successful people fashion for themselves. The will to win – the will to achieve – goes dry and arid without continuous renewal.” – Vince Lombardi

I am a big believer in the idea that we have to continually try to better ourselves. A lot of people get upset because they have one great day and they are discouraged the following day when it’s bad. People would like to think that happiness is a destination and once it is achieved or reached that it is supposed to be eternal. However, as I have mentioned before, excellence and happiness is a habit. It is a continuous effort that you have to put in. I relate this back to my career as a teacher. I cannot just get a degree and teach the rest of my life. I have to continuously learn and take classes, attend seminars etc. in order to remain a teacher. If I want to remain happy, I have to continue pursuing my dreams, achieving my goals, striving to be the best I can be as a person, developing my relationships, helping others etc.

I love the part that Vince Lomardi mentions the will to achieve and win go dry and arid without continuous renewal. When I was in college I got more caught up in partying and hanging out and lost track of my goals, dreams and aspirations. It was a rude awakening when I realized that I looked forward more to the night life of partying rather than being a model citizen, working for my future, pursuing my dreams and just being a good person. It wasn’t until I had to physically remove myself from those surrounding that I was able to realize this. I know a lot of people struggle with making change. I know deep down they want to change but can’t. I see them have good days and bad days. One day of hope has a lot of power but it cannot single-handedly solve your problems. Discipline and perseverance are key to mastering yourself. One day of positive thinking isn’t enough to change. It is a continuous struggle and fight that you have to WANT.

About brendenmartin05

I am a graduate student earning my Master's In Teaching, working as an Administrative Assistant, looking for ways to change the public education field for the better using technology and imagination

Posted on January 30, 2012, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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